Monday, December 19, 2011

Necklace Exchange

This year, I got to be a part of something really cool!  The great necklace exchange!
I read about this fun idea on fashion loves people's blog! They always have really great taste and fashion advice and tips and the latest on whats in.

So, how it works: I filled out a form with my info, my blog, my pinterest, and any other site or blog that may describe me or my interests and tastes. Then, all that information got sent to somebody, who will make a necklace for me, based on what they've seen I like and am interested in! And I got an email with the same information about somebody else and make them a necklace! We weren't required to follow any type suggestions or restrictions, we could be totally creative, so it could be totally random what will show up at my house!! Such a fun idea, right!?

I'm not much into making necklaces, but I make earrings pretty frequently, so I figured I could give a necklace a try! My "match" in this project is the dull diamond  - they have an online store where they SELL NECKLACES!! Uh, intimidating!! Once I let Matt convince me I could make something worth while, or at least something, I got to brainstorming. I got a lot of inspiration from their blog, it's full of fun, quirky, bright and asymmetrical pieces that aren't too serious. I like that. The colors had me most, I love looking at something with bright vivid colors, there is just so much personality in that. The part I had a hard time with was getting away from perfect symmetry. In my brain, all things good are symmetrical. Noses, shoes, cars, eyes, babies, rainbows, beds, cupcakes... all equal and even. Sure, I didn't have to make it asymmetrical for them, but I thought it would be a growing experience and besides, it wasn't for me. The whole time I had to really remember I was making something for their taste, not mine.  

So, here is what I have been working on!

 I decided to use embroidery thread to wrap some
 beads to stick with their playful style.

 Wrapping of the bead....

Keeping it asymmetrical! 

All finished! (after this photo i did end up wrapping
some thread around the chain to the right of the big 
bead to match the opposite bead) Hope they like it! It's
nothing that I would have ever dreamed up without
inspiration from their blog!

Ready to send it off!

The deadline for mailing is today - so it has been sent, and I'm waiting to receive mine! I can't wait to find out who had me, and what they came up with! (I'll def. post a pic when I get it!!) Also, its such a fun way to find other bloggers with similar interests, I'm looking forward to connecting with some new people!


  1. This turned out so cute!

    So. Freaking. Cute.

  2. yay! it turned out so great!

  3. HEY!!! sorry it took so long to contact you- but I got your necklace! FUN- thanks so much for taking the time and care to make it-
    (and we used to live in Savannah- looking at your blog took me back to many of the places we'd visit- we lived on Gordon right on the park!)
    jen from dD


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