Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Our house is all dressed and ready for Christmas! It is so fun to spend a night putting up the treeduring which frantic sweeping ensues by my other halfhanging the ornaments knowing where each one came from, straighten the tree (frantic sweeping again) string things from the ceiling, place little decorations all over... and my favorite part, sitting together to admire our work! I love it, all of it. That I have a husband who cares enough to want to do these things with me, (I even love the neat freak in him) that we have such an amazing reason to celebrate Christmas, and all the joy this season brings!

These angels were given to me at a seasonally themed wedding shower, in May!

This pretty ornament reminds me of Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born Unto us a Son is given...

One of my fave Christmas decorations, these little balls were one of our 1st ornament buys as a married couple. I've decorated with them differently every year! 

Spray painted these bad boys with gold glitter! Anything looks festive with glitter on it, lets be honest.

Nutcrackers!! Gift from Matt our 1st year married - he knows my number!

I'm sure there will be more snippets of what is making me happy through the rest of December, don't worry! I've only made a few ornaments this year, I want to craft a few more things for people, any ideas? Beacause I always love a good homemade gift, don't you? 

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