Thursday, December 29, 2011

necklace exchange pt. 2

 It came! My necklace from the necklace exchange finally came! (here's what I made) Well, not finally, it actually came quite on time, we were just out of town, so I had to wait until we got back to hope someone had not stolen it from our box. And they didn't, and it is beautiful! 

I was so excited to tear this thing open and put it on, but then the packing was so sweet, so I calmed down and took some pictures of this little gem! Check it out:

 so cute right? who doesn't want to open that!?

right after the 5 (turned 6) hour car ride. I literally ran
inside to try it on. love it!

So, my "match" has great taste. She took a chain link gold chain, and weaved embroidery thread and ribbon all through it. She sent a sweet note with it, with only an email address. I will of course be mailing her a thank you, but I am so curious if she has a blog of her own! With work like this, she totally should, or an etsy account. If I find out, I will absolutely post it on here so you guys can shop around yourselves. 

One thing I have definitely learned from this whole necklace exchange experience: be open. Be open about what I want to make, about my ideals. I was stretched to make something I wouldn't normally, but it turned out pretty cool. Be open about what I like. I don't have to have a set style, sure I'll always have things I gravitate more towards, and that's fine. But be aware of more, and willing to try them out. This colorful necklace isn't something I probably would have picked out, that said, its fun and classy, and I can't wait to wear it out!

1 comment:

  1. i love it! i wish i could see it in person though :(


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