Sunday, February 12, 2012

1/2 marathon

Well, we did it. Last weekend my sister and I finished a 1/2 marathon! It was exactly what everyone said, hard, amazing, fun, an accomplishment and exhausting.  At one point it seemed to last forever, but just knowing that awesome people who love us all across the country were thinking about us and cheering us on was so amazing. So glad I did it, and I couldn't have (or would've wanted to) do it with out my sis. 

If you are thinking about running one, do it! Or if you want to up your mileage, do it! It's so much easier to actually do it than to psych yourself out, which takes way more energy. And trust me, I know all about psyching yourself out.


Will I do another one? ... Ask me in a week or so :) Have you done a 1/2 or even a full?? I got a 13.1 sticker in the mail from my dad the day after the race — along with a note saying congrats and that he has a 26.2 if I ever want that one too...  Thanks dad!

1 comment:

  1. and people of out the country were cheering for you! haha


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