Wednesday, February 8, 2012

tree livin'

Some friends of ours are trying to build a tree house, like a real house in a tree. They want to make it a space that guests could come and stay and visit Savannah, like a tree hotel. Well, they have been asking all of their friends for help, input and ideas. So, when I was doing a little digging and searching, I found these, actual tree hotels. Designed by Scandinavian architects, these amazing whimsical tree houses are all in the beautiful woods of Sweden, doing their part to be as self sustainable and eco friendly as possible. 
There are six places to choose from, all having a different theme and concept, but all so cozy! 

Take a look at these amazing getaways!! 

So, are you planning your trip to Sweden yet? I think I'd love to stay in the Mirrorcube - but they all look fascinating. Make sure you check out their website with lots of cool pictures and information about each place. Those Scandinavians are so brilliant!!

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