Tuesday, January 31, 2012

a little obsessed

I have always had a thing for bathtubs. They're big and warm, and much better than a shower. Sadly we don't have a good tub for bathing in right now (maybe that's why I've been fantasizing about them), but I used to love soaking with a glass of wine at our 1st place. Its so soothing, a great way to wrap up the day. Whenever we get a house, that's a must have for me. I have collected maybe a few too many pictures of some very happy white bathtubs. 

Indulge below:

even this sparkly black one has me wanting to jump in!! look at that view!

Well, am I too obsessed? Or can you totally imagine yourself sinking into one of these for a good read??

*all images are from houzz.com


  1. Love the bathtubs! Sounds totally relaxing, but I get bored after 15 minutes :( However, bathtubs like that make it totally tantalizing. Also, gives the impression that I would be inspired to keep it clean:)!

  2. Ha, exactly what I think, "...if i get a nice tub, i'll totally clean it every week!"


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