Wednesday, January 11, 2012

new year

This year for New Years Eve some friends had the awesome idea of a progressive bike ride party! What we did was go from house to house on our bikes, stopping to eat, play a game and catch up on Times Square. It was so much fun! We had appetizers, (mmm, bacon wrapped asparagus) made party hats, main course (mmm, mini pulled pork sandwiches) glow sticks, desserts, (mmm, chocolate brownie bars) and 2ft sparklers! Such a fun night! Sadly I took only a few pictures, its hard to get great pics of a glow stick covered bike posse at night,  so I borrowed a couple pics of a few of us from a friend, thanks Katie! 

This was definitely the best idea yet for new years - it would even be really fun to do for group dates!


On another note, do you do resolutions? Its already into week 2 of the new year, have you stuck with it? I've always been weary of resolutions, but I do think its a good time to place some new goals for myself. This year I want to make my bed every morning. Its not difficult, it takes a teeny bit of discipline and it looks so nice after I do. Also, a lot less temping to climb back into bed in the morning if its already made.

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