Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Ok, I'm training for a 1/2 marathon. Thought about it a lot of times, but never done one before. First of all, it was all very mental for me to even commit to it. I really didn't want to say I was going to do it if I wasn't really going to. I have to attribute the strange bout of confidence that caused me to sign up, to my husband. He encouraged me that I could work up to it, take it one run at a time... its only 4x what I was currently running, etc.

So here I am, less than 2 weeks away from the race and right on track! The best part of all of this is my big sis is coming here and we're doing it together!! She's hardcore, and when I say hardcore, I mean, she's done marathons, and triathlons and trains in -9 degree weather at 9,000 feet up. HARDCORE.

We've talked about running one before, but this was just the right one. She's coming alone, aka, without husband or children! As much as I dearly love her sweet blonde boys, (all 3 of them) we have never spent time like this as just us sisters! I can't wait to host my sister,  - also never done that before! - and do something together that is definitely going to be a very bonding experience. The big day is getting closer, any last minute race tips for a newbie girl like me??

image via flickr

Race day countdown ... 10 days!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, half marathon! When you come to visit in february, can we please run together?!


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